Before its release, the film ‘Vikram Vedha,’ which has served as a measuring stick for stars Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan, has been trending on Twitter. Following the popularity of the hashtag ‘Boycott Vikram Vedha‘ for many days, it appears that the film’s marketing staff has launched a counter front to respond to it.
Late Wednesday night, the hashtag ‘Vikram Vedha Review‘ was trending heavily on Twitter. The filmmaker did not conduct the press conferences for the film ‘Vikram Vedha‘ in Mumbai or Delhi. Still, if a large film marketing firm is to be considered, anyone can now utilize any hashtag on Twitter for a few thousand rupees. However, it is possible to trend.
‘Vikram Vedha’ Is A Blockbuster Film,’ Hrithik Roshan Said
On Tuesday, ‘HaraamKhor‘ was the first to announce the start of the pre-release screening of the film ‘Vikram Vedha.’ On Monday night, the filmmaker arranged the film “Vikram Vedha” special screening for the cast and their families. However, only a small number of these people spoke publicly about the film.
Rakesh Roshan, the father of the film’s lead cast, Hrithik Roshan, definitely phoned some trade people and told them about the film, saying that he had some reservations about it at first but that it is now a ‘blockbuster.’
Opening Day Collection Should Be Rs 30 Crore
There was no special social media monitoring of this screening. On Tuesday and Wednesday, pre-bookings for the film did not increase much. It is reported that an additional Rs 15 crore was invested in marketing the movie ‘Vikram Vedha,’ which grossed Rs 175 crores.
That is, by the time the film reaches theatres, it would have cost roughly Rs 190 crore. If this movie, shown on around 4,000 screens in India, is a commercial success, its premiere day must gross at most minuscule Rs 38 crores. However, this does not appear to be the case.
Vikram Vedha Box Office Prediction Is Rs 150 Crore
Meanwhile, its fans and industry professionals are creating a new type of hypothesis about the film ‘Vikram Vedha‘ on social media. According to reports, even a Rs 15 crore opening may be deemed reasonable, and if this occurs, the picture will gross around Rs 150 crore at the box office.
The remaining funds may be obtained by film OTT rights, satellite TV, and music rights. Arguments about lowering the film’s ticket prices began midway, but tickets on the ticket buying service BookMyShow are still being distributed at the film’s regular fees.
Motive Behind ‘Vikram Vedha Review’ Trend
Following the success of Hrithik Roshan’s last film ‘War‘ and Saif Ali Khan’s ‘Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior,’ both of which were released in theatres, the film ‘Vikram Vedha‘ is predicted to do well at the box office. In the Hindi film “Vikram Vedha,” filmmakers encompass Neeraj Pandey’s enterprise Friday Filmworks, Anil Ambani’s company Reliance Entertainment, and Bhushan Kumari’s company T-Series.
And Mukesh Ambani’s corporation Jio Studios, in addition to Y Not Studios, delivered its original Tamil film ‘Vikram Vedha’ for only Rs 10 crore. All of these firms are working together to ensure that the film ‘Vikram Vedha‘ has a successful opening on Friday.
Why ‘Vikram Vedha Review’ Was Trending On Twitter?
On Wednesday night, each of the reviews for the film ‘Vikram Vedha‘ started trending across Twitter, with the majority giving the movie four and a half stars. These evaluations were written by industry professionals as well as social media influencers.
There hasn’t been a single review from a media site or magazine critic published thus far. When this was discovered, it was found that even the agencies that monitor the PR for this movie are unaware of any factual info on the film’s press show.
Reviewers who publish movie reviews in Mumbai and other places around the nation are also surprised by the practice of reviews of the movie ‘Vikram Vedha‘ without even a press screening. On the other hand, a Mumbai-based internet marketing business feels that any hashtag can now be effortlessly trended for an hour without spending something extra.