Bollywood superstar Salman Khan has been anticipating his box office smash for a long time. Salman Khan, who last appeared in the film ‘Antim,’ is now prepared to excite fans with two flicks in a row. The actor announced his new flick with a teaser earlier this month. Fans have been anticipating the release and trailer of the film ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’ since seeing the first glance of Salman in the teaser. In such a case, important news about the film has just been released to fans.
As per recent sources, the makers will reveal this Salman Khan film’s trailer next month. According to sources, the trailer for ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’ will be unveiled during the ICC T20 World Cup 2022, which begins next month in October. The developers have selected an exciting day to premiere the film’s trailer. According to speculations, the trailer will be aired on October 23, 2022, the date of India-Pakistan’s T20 World Cup 2022 match.
Salman Khan uploaded a trailer from his forthcoming flick on his official Instagram account. There was fear on social media as fast as this video appeared. Salman could be seen riding a bike in the footage. Besides this, he shared his first glimpse of the flick with fans, favourably received. In this film, the actor will debut in a new image for the first time. The long-haired actor’s style is popular among his followers.
In terms of work, Salman Khan will shortly appear in several films. The actor is preparing to win the affection of his fans with his one-of-a-kind movie. Salman will shortly appear in ‘Tiger-3.’ The movie will be released on Eid after this year. In addition, he will star in the film ‘Godfather.’ In addition, the actor will soon be featured in the 16th season of his well-known and contentious TV reality shows Bigg Boss.